Over the past 10 years of helping people, we have seen struggles, triumphs, and everything in-between. We have seen the landscape of mental health and substance abuse shift and change around us in positive and negative ways, and we realize that it’s almost impossible to keep up with it all. It’s hard to know what advice is beneficial, and what advice may be better left unfollowed.

That’s why we are starting this blog: to share information with you and anyone you know who can benefit from the information. We will be posting at least once per month and we will be having follow up conversations on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook, so be sure give us a follow! We would love to have you on this journey with us. And please feel free send us any questions you have, or topics you find confusing, so that we can tackle those in the coming months.

Upcoming topics:

  • Pandemic stress and eating disorders
  • How to release control
  • Habit Loops
  • Body Image

See you soon!