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Cocaine Addiction

Support for Sustainable Cocaine Recovery

At Desert Star, we understand the complexities of cocaine addiction and are here to support you every step of the way. Our innovative programs are tailored to meet your individual needs, blending evidence-based practices with compassionate care. We believe in treating the whole person, which includes emotional, and mental health to achieve lasting recovery.
Understanding Cocaine Addiction and Treatment

Cocaine is a powerful central nervous system stimulant that directly effects the brain. Cocaine is one of the oldest known psychoactive drugs.

Coca leaves the source of cocaine has been chewed and ingested for thousands of years. Cocaine hydrochloride the purified chemical has been around and abused for over 100 years.  It has also been used as a local anesthesia.

Cocaine is generally sold on the street as a fine white crystallized powder Also known as “coke,”  “C,”   “snow,”  “flake” or “blow.”  It is generally diluted with substances such as cornstarch, talcum powder, baby laxative or sugar.  It is also frequently laced with amphetamines, procaine or other substances.

“Crack” cocaine is processed with hydrochloride salt, ammonia or sodium bicarbonate to produce a smokeable substance. It frequently includes other toxic chemicals.  The term “Crack” cocaine is a street name for the freebase cocaine (smokeable), referring to the crackling sound heard when the mixture is smoked. 

Understanding Cocaine Addiction

Did you know?

Cocaine is generally sold on the street as a fine white crystallized powder Also known as “coke,”  “C,”   “snow,”  “flake” or “blow.”  It is generally diluted with substances such as cornstarch, talcum powder, baby laxative or sugar.  It is also frequently laced with amphetamines, procaine or other substances.

“Crack” cocaine is processed with hydrochloride salt, ammonia or sodium bicarbonate to produce a smokeable substance. It frequently includes other toxic chemicals.  The term “Crack” cocaine is a street name for the freebase cocaine (smokeable), referring to the crackling sound heard when the mixture is smoked. 

Cocaine: Current Use and Future Trends

Routes of Administration

Cocaine can be used in different ways resulting in different effects on the body.

How Cocaine Works in the Body

Cocaine blocks the reuptake of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, enhancing their effects. It is metabolized by enzymes in the blood and liver, with a half-life of about one hour. Major metabolites, detectable by drug screens, have a half-life of eight hours.

The Symptoms of Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine Addiction Symptoms

Effects of Cocaine Use

Acute Effects

What are the Risk Factors?

Cocaine use can lead to increased levels of irritability, restlessness and anxiety. In severe cases, this can result in paranoid psychosis in which the individual loses touch with reality and experiences auditory hallucinations. This experience can be disruptive and frightening.  Most individuals seem to recover from psychosis as the drug leaves their system. Others do not. Heavy cocaine use may cause heart problems including heart attacks, which may lead to death.  Cessation of Cocaine use includes a constellation of withdrawal symptoms including cocaine craving, irritability, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, depressed mood, increased appetite, and exhaustion.

Risks of Regularly Snorting Cocaine

Causes for Concern: Acute Toxicity

Acute cocaine toxicity causes profound central nervous system stimulation, which can lead to respiratory or cardiac arrest. There is significant individual variation in the uptake and metabolism of cocaine, making it difficult to estimate the size of a lethal dose. Rare, severe, and unpredictable reactions can cause cardiac failure. Cocaine combined with alcohol can form the toxic chemical cocaethylene, which has a longer-lasting, more potent effect.

Dangerous Interactions

Research has revealed the dangerous interaction between cocaine and alcohol, as well as cocaine and opiates. These mixtures are the most common two-drug combinations that result in drug-related deaths.

What is the Treatment?

Cocaine Addiction Recovery

There are several effective treatments for cocaine abuse, often tailored to the individual’s needs. These treatments can be used individually or in combination, depending on the person’s needs. Here are some common types:

Here are some common types of treatment:

Psychotherapy (Talk Therapy)

Medication Management

These medications are often used in combination with behavioral therapies to provide a comprehensive approach to treatment. If you or someone you know is struggling with cocaine abuse, seeking professional help can make a significant difference in the recovery journey.

Lifestyle and Self-Care

Support Groups

Alternative and Complementary Therapies

Hospitalization and Intensive Treatment

Medical Detoxification:

Medical detoxification may be necessary. Desert Star coordinates with a number of Detox facilities and hospitals as deemed clinically necessary. If referred to medical detox their medical team will monitor you for medical stability and safety until you are medically cleared. Their discharge team will then coordinate with Desert Star for admission to the program. The team at Desert Star will coordinate throughout your detoxification process.

Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP):

An intensive outpatient program that provides structured treatment for up to six hours during the day up to five days per week.

Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP):

An intensive outpatient program that provides structured treatment for up to three hours during the day up to four days per week.

If you or a loved one is struggling with chronic cocaine use, please know that help is available. At Desert Star Addiction Recovery Center, we’re here to support you. We offer personalized care to help you live a life in long-term recovery. Our treatment includes supportive and structured group therapy three to four times a week, individual therapy sessions, access to medication management, and case management. No matter what you are feeling right now, there is hope! With treatment, you can learn the tools needed to navigate your life in long-term recovery.

This is your journey
and we are here to help you every step of the way.

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Get the help you need without putting your outside commitments on hold! We individualize treatment for every client and can combine groups from different programs to suit your unique needs. We offer varying levels of structure and support, from partial hospitalization to intensive outpatient to once-weekly outpatient groups.

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Desert Star Addiction Recovery Center Tucson Arizona

6 hour CEU Workshop for Professionals

February 28, 2024

8:30 am

- 4:00 pm

Tucson, AZ

3 hours of Ethis CEU’s

3 Hours of Cultural Competency CEU’s

NBCC Approved for Licensure

Registration Open to Professionals Now

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