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Addiction Assessment

Addiction Assessment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus eget posuere ante. Mauris condimentum nibh quam, vitae ultricies nibh interdum cursus. Nullam dictum a tortor sed scelerisque. Curabitur eget lorem sagittis, imperdiet sem in, tempus nulla. Quisque quam enim, dignissim in mauris eget, scelerisque tempor lacus. In vel diam sed sem tincidunt facilisis lobortis sed leo. Nulla quis feugiat ipsum. Vestibulum rhoncus neque sed varius ullamcorper.

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Get the help you need without putting your outside commitments on hold! We individualize treatment for every client and can combine groups from different programs to suit your unique needs. We offer varying levels of structure and support, from partial hospitalization to intensive outpatient to once-weekly outpatient groups.

Articles & Resources

Women and men in recovery routinely worry about their current or future relationships with partners or spouses. What does a . . .

By Veronica L. Holyfield While overall drug OD fatalities hit record numbers in the past year, a new study has . . .

In a SAMHSA Advisory notification, SAMSHA states: “ Eating disorders (ED’s), which cause serious health problems and can be fatal, . . .

In my nearly ten years as a therapist, I’ve learned that the simplest and most relatable definition of “trauma” is . . .

Addiction Articles

Women and men in recovery routinely worry about their current or future relationships with partners or spouses. What does a . . .

By Veronica L. Holyfield While overall drug OD fatalities hit record numbers in the past year, a new study has . . .

In a SAMHSA Advisory notification, SAMSHA states: “ Eating disorders (ED’s), which cause serious health problems and can be fatal, . . .

News & Resources

Latest Events

Desert Star Addiction Recovery Center Tucson Arizona

6 hour CEU Workshop for Professionals

February 28, 2024

8:30 am

- 4:00 pm

Tucson, AZ

3 hours of Ethis CEU’s

3 Hours of Cultural Competency CEU’s

NBCC Approved for Licensure

Registration Open to Professionals Now

Ethical Excellence Cultural Competency Qr Code
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