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Getting Started & FAQ’s

Clear Guidance for Your Recovery Journey

We understand that starting your journey to recovery or seeking mental health support comes with many questions. We provide clear and concise answers to the most common inquiries about our programs, services, and approach to care. Whether you’re curious about treatment options, insurance coverage, or what to expect during your time with us, you’ll find the information you need right here. If you have further questions, our team is just a phone call or email away, ready to assist you in any way we can.

Getting Started at Desert Star

Interested in starting a program but not sure how it works?
Here is a brief overview of the process with Desert Star.



Each new client starts by reaching out for help! They might schedule a call, call during business ours, send an email, or submit an insurance verification request.



Speak with a clinician about your specific needs and goals! If we are not the best fit, we will give a referral to someone who is.



Once you decide on a program and schedule that works for you, we will schedule an intake session. This two hour session is required prior to group participation.



Once you decide on a program and schedule hthat works for you, we will schedule an intake session. This two hour session is required prior to group participation.



While in your program we highly encourage you to find your community an make connections so that your momentum continues to grow!



Once you complete all of the program requirements you will graduate the program and have the opportunity to continue with groups once per week.



Our continuing care program meets once per week for ongoing, long term support. Any graduate is welcome to participate.



With strong support, community engagement, and willingness to work hard you can acheive long term recovery like so many before you! We will be right here with you.


How much does the program cost

It’s different for each person and each program! Desert Star is In Network with most Major insurance companies which could significantly reduce your out-of-pocket cost.

If you would like to check if we are in network with your insurance company or would like a cost estimate specific for you and your insurance policy click below to  fill out the insurance verification form.

If you do not have an active insurance policy, or we are not in network/ do not accept your insurance policy please give us a call for pricing options.

Desert Star is In Network with most major insurance companies! You can check the list of companies here. If you aren’t sure or want to double check, fill out the insurance verification form on the Financing and Insurance page or give us a call today.

The program is designed to be two phases:

Phase one is two months long and phase two is an additional three to four months long. The programs are designed for individuals in treatment to process drug and alcohol addiction, mental illness, and sex and love addiction/relationship issues in a highly structured setting.

Do I have to do the whole program:

You do not have to complete the entire program. If you feel that the program is not a good fit for you, or you are unable to complete for another reason, you are free to discontinue treatment at any time by speaking with our Chief Clinical Officer.

Desert Star uses evidence based and practice-based curriculum that is delivered in a respectful and engaging manner. The group format consists of lectures, group process and discussion, with videos, speakers, and homework assignments. Some groups are co-ed, and some groups are gender specific.

Desert Star’s therapeutic approach is empathetic, understanding, and non-judgmental. Desert Star staff are here to assist you in your treatment and recovery journey. The assignments that we give you are meant to challenge you and aid in your recovery. The clinical staff will review your assignments with you, before you present them to the group.

Desert Star ARC is an abstinence-based program. That means that we will ask you to remain clean and sober from all mind-altering substances during your treatment with us. We ask that you attend 12 Step meetings weekly and have a sponsor by the end of the program. Attending 8 12 Step meetings is part of the graduation requirement, should you choose to graduate from the full eight-week program.

Your attendance and participation are very important to the therapeutic process and is a condition for your on-going treatment. You will need to arrange your schedule and commitments, to prioritize your treatment during this time. 

If you miss group, for illness a scheduled vacation/work commitment, you will make up the missed groups at the end of the program, extending your time beyond the eight weeks.

Desert Star operates within a co-occurring disorders model, recognizing that an individual may have mental health issues that may need to be addressed so one can enter, enjoy and maintain a sense of mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Desert Star has a psychiatric staff available to address these concerns and prescribe medications as desired and needed.

Desert Star understands that relapses happen. If you relapse, we ask that you call the facility to speak with the Chief Clinical Officer. Once it is appropriate to return to group, you will be asked to process your relapse with your peers so that you can receive the support you need for your ongoing recovery.

After graduation, you are eligible for Phase II Continuing Care group. This is a 10 week commitment to attend group one to two times per week. This program builds on treatment already received and continues to offer support by identifying triggers and issues that may come up in long term recovery. Individuals explore and develop effective strategies to maintain sobriety and build and strengthen their support networks.

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Desert Star Addiction Recovery Center Tucson Arizona

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